Prof. Heinz Hofer

Institute Pre-primary and primary level Fabrikstrasse 8
Padagogische Hochschule Bern


Function (s) at PHBern lecturer Further functions at PHBern Media and computer science co-ordinator of the Preschool and Primary level institute Lecturer for media and computer science Lecturer for nature, people, society   Professional background Since 2005 lecturer and lecturer in computer science at the preschool and primary school 2006 Course Leader for Astronomy in Teacher Training (LEBE) 2001-2005 Lecturer in Mathematics, "New Media" and Astronomy at the Institute for Teacher Training (ILLB) Marzili 2001-2005 Responsible for the development and implementation of the "New Media Concept" of ILLB Marzili 2004-2005 President of the accompanying group "Virtual Campus of Teacher Training" (VCLLB) 2001-2003 Lecturer in Mathematics at the institute "Allgemein bildende Studienjahr für Berufstätige" (ASFB) 2001-2003 co-author of the "teaching" function for the ASFB 1997-2003 Planning and production of digital teaching materials for the floorball training of the Swiss Floorball Association 1995-2002 teacher for mathematics, physics, NMM- and mathematicsdidactics as well as computer science at the seminar Marzili 1999-2001 Teacher for "Applied Natural Sciences" at the department "Teacher training for professionals" at the seminar Spiez 1995-2001 Project leader "Computer-controlled pupil and pupil planetarium" at the primary school Wilderswil 1998-1999 Active participation in the professional committee "Landhockey und Floorball" at the Swiss National School Magglingen (among others Vidoeanalyse) 1991-1999 teacher for works, sports and NMM at the primary school Wilderswil (3rd to 9th grade, Kleinklasse) 1990-1999 J + S expert activity in floorball 1990-1999 Establishment and leadership of the Wilderswil Women's Unihockey Club / Investigations in the field of training control, especially on "Speed ​​despite endurance" 1990-1996 Course Leader for Astronomy in Teacher Training (LEBE) 1986-1988 Teacher for geography, physics, chemistry, German, mathematics, biology and sports / responsible for out-school activities / mentors at the boarding school Schönfels in Gsteigwiler 1984-1986 Set up and manage the cross-school project "A dr Sek Frenkendorf plays me Floorball" 1983-1986 Project Leader Youthfulness Lausen 1983-1986 Teacher for Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Sports at the Secondary and Progymnasial School Frenkendorf 1981-1982 Assistant in Environmental Physics at the University of Bern 1981 teacher of mathematics and physics at the Gymnasium Münchenstein

Research Intrest

Work areas at PHBern Integration of the "New Media" into teaching with transfer facilities for school teaching Implementation of the "productive media work" at school - strategies and effects (including impact on self-esteem) Project work at school - Teamwork and optimum individual support must be mutually dependent Designing learning environments so that natural phenomena can be perceived and interpreted Designing sport teaching in such a way that talents are also encouraged Research activities at PHBern 2003-2007 Project leader of the development project "VC_astro - construct his own starscape", institute preschool and primary school

List of Publications
Anderhub, H .; Böcklin, J .; Devereux, M .; Dittus, F .; Ferreirea Marques, R .; Hofer, Heinz ; Hofer, HK; Kottmann, F .; Pitzurra, O .; Seiler, P.-G .; Taqqu, D .; Unternährer, J .; "" Wälchli, M. (1981). Slow-down of negative muons and formation of muonic hydrogen in hydrogen gas below 1 Torr. Physics Letters B. 101 (3), 151-154.
Stauffer, Bernhard; Hofer, Heinz ; Oeschger, Hans; Schwander, Jacob; Siegenthaler, Ulrich (1983). Atmospheric CO2 concentration during the last glaciation. Annals of Glaciology. 5, 160-164.
Hofer, Heinz ; Dummermuth, Isabelle; Crowd, Beat; Stauffer, Sophie (2006). Panorama star map: instructions and plans. Bern: PHBern, Preschool and Primary School.

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