Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sadik Badawy

Dean of faculty of physical therapy
faculty of physical therapy
October 6 University


Current Position: Dean of faculty of physical therapy – o6u Previous occupations and Experience:  Demonstrator and assistant lectures of physical therapy – Cairo University. Lecturer and assistant professor of physical therapy – Cairo University.  Prof. of physical therapy for neurology and neurosurgery. Academic Title: Professor of physical for neurology and neurosurgery. Post Graduate and Research Activities: Attending conferences of physical therapy at Lebanon at 7/2005 – Lybia 12/2007 Sharing in the international conferences of physical therapy at Cairo University – faculty of physical therapy. Authored Books: Physiotherapy for neurology from 1998 to 2014. Physiotherapy for neurosurgery from 2000 to 2014.Principles of medical rehabilitation. Published Papers: Author or co-author of (25) papers published in refereed local and international journals and conferences Other Socio Academic Activities: Director of quality assurance office, Faculty of physical therapy- October 6 University, Egypt.

Research Intrest

physiotherapy neurology