Philip Boudjouk

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
North Dakota State University
United States of America

Academician Biochemistry

BS, St. John’s University (NY) 1960-1964 PhD, University of Wisconsin (Madison) 1967-1971 Postdoctoral Fellow, (University of California-Davis) 1971-1973

Research Intrest

Our research is centered on the synthesis and mechanisms of organometallic compounds, especially those compounds containing silicon. Most recently we have been studying the chemistry of polysilanes, especially that of cyclohexasilane, Si6H12, incorporating basic investigations into its ability to form novel derivatives and complexes. Some of these new compositions have exciting potential as semiconducting materials, inks for printed electronics applications and novel photovoltaic devices. We have also been studying the chemistry of silicones using new pathways we developed for manipulating the branches on a silicone backbone allowing great flexibility in incorporating new properties in silicones that can range from biocidal activity to optimization of physical properties.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry