Peter V. Caldwell

Research Hydrologist
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Current Research Assessing the sources and residence times of water and solutes in headwater catchments, vegetation and topographic controls on the hydrograph, impacts of increasing hydroclimatic variability on water quality and quantity.

Research Intrest

Research Interests Interactions between terrestrial vegetative communities and the hydrologic cycle, upscaling site-level hydrological processes to larger watersheds, global change impacts on water resources from headwater catchments to the national scale.

List of Publications
Elliott, Katherine J.; Caldwell, Peter V.; Brantley, Steven T.; Miniat, Chelcy F.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne. 2017. Water yield following forest-grass-forest transitions.
Hallema, Dennis W.; Sun, Ge; Bladon, Kevin D.; Norman, Steven P.; Caldwell, Peter V.; Liu, Yongqiang; McNulty, Steven G. 2017. Regional patterns of postwildfire streamflow response in the Western United States: The importance of scale-specific connectivity.
Duan, Kai; Sun, Ge; Zhang, Yang; Yahya, Khairunnisa; Wang, Kai; Madden, James M.; Caldwell, Peter V.; Cohen Mack, Erika; McNulty, Steve. 2017. Impact of air pollution induced climate change on water availability and ecosystem productivity in the conterminous United States.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture