Patrizia Taddia

Nursing, technical and rehabilitation assistance service
Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Nursing

1992: University Diploma as Director and Teacher of Nursing Sciences, University of Bologna, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, with honors. 2006: Master degree in Nursing and Obstetric Sciences at the University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, with honors.

Research Intrest

List of Publications
Casson P, Guarnier A, Taddia P. Priorities of nursing management. Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca: AIR. 2012;31(4):170.
Chiari P, Poli M, Magli C, Bascelli E, Rocchi R, Bolognini S, Tartari P, Armuzzi R, Rossi G, Peghetti A, Biavati C. Multicentre, prospective cohort study, to validate the Italian version of the Braden Q scale for the risk of the pressure sores in newborns and up to 8 years old children. Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca: AIR. 2012;31(2):83-90.
Palese A, Ambrosi E, Prosperi L, Guarnier A, Barelli P, Zambiasi P, Allegrini E, Bazoli L, Casson P, Marin M, Padovan M. Missed nursing care and predicting factors in the Italian medical care setting. Internal and emergency medicine. 2015 Sep 1;10(6):693-702.