Patrick Bahl

Scientific staff
Protestant Theology
University of Munster


since 11, 2013Research Assistant at the Seminar for Church History II03. 2013 - 10. 2013Scientific assistant at the Spracheninstitut Münster and at the Seminar for Church History II (Prof. Beutel) 2008 - 2013Tutor for Latin at Dr. Heiner Kampert 2008 - 2010Tutor for Hebrew at Dr. Frank Matheus

Research Intrest

Romans, Pneumatology in the New Testament, Augustine and the ancient rhetoric, Theology and natural sciences in the Middle Ages and early modern times, Supper in the Middle Ages and the Reformation, Hans Sachs, Radical Pietism, Church and theater, Didactics of church history.

List of Publications
Bahl Patrick (2014) Reverted to: Obst, Helmut: August Hermann Francke and his work, Wiesbaden 2013. " Theologische Literaturzeitung.
Bahl Patrick (2014) Reverted to: Zaunstöck, Holger, Müller-Bahlke, Thomas & Claus Veltmann Changing the world. August Hermann Francke - A life about 1700, Wiesbaden 2013. Theological literature newspaper.