Panaree Busarakumtragul

university of Pennsylvania perelman

Academician Neurology

Panaree Busarakumtragul has completed her PhD at the age of 44 years from Mahidol University and she was trained during studying PhD at Seoul National University Republic of Korea. She has postdoctoral training from Medical Innsbruck University. She is Associate Dean of Administrative and Academic (Preclinic) Faculty of Medicine Srinakharinwirot University. She has been serving as an editorial board member of journal of medicine and health science. Panaree Busarakumtragul has completed her PhD at the age of 44 years from Mahidol University and she was trained during studying PhD at Seoul National University Republic of Korea. She has postdoctoral training from Medical Innsbruck University. She is Associate Dean of Administrative and Academic (Preclinic) Faculty of Medicine Srinakharinwirot University. She has been serving as an editorial board member of journal of medicine and health science.

Research Intrest

Alzheimer's disease