Nizamuddin Parvez

Assistant Professor
Central Institute of Psychiatry

Academician Psychiatry

Dr. Nizamuddin Parvez is an Assistant Professor in the department of psychiatry at Central Institute of Psychiatry

Research Intrest

sleep disorders, cannabis use disorders, brain stimulation methods

List of Publications
Tikka SK, Parvez N, Nongpiur A, Goyal N, Sinha VK. Spontaneous dense array gamma activity in children and adolescents with volatile solvent dependence. Journal of pediatric neurosciences. 2014 Sep;9(3):234.
Mehtry V, Parvez N, Nizamie H, Pradhan N. Altered Brain Function as Evidenced by Electroencephalographic Power Spectral Analysis in Patients with Opioid Dependence. Neuroscience and Neurobiology Research (CNN). 2014 Dec 2.
Mehtry V, Nizamie SH, Parvez N, Pradhan N. Sleep Profile in Opioid Dependence: A Polysomnographic Case–Control Study. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2014 Dec 1;31(6):517-22.