Nicolas Rohleder

Associate Research Professor of Psychology
Brandeis University
United States of America

Academician Neurology

Dr. Rohleder's main research interest is the interaction between the central nervous system with the periphery of the body. More specifically, research focuses on how central nervous system states affect biomedical health through efferent signaling pathways. Dr. Rohleder's expertise is in human psychoneuroimmunologal and psychoneuroendocrinologal research. In particular, Dr. Rohleder is the Co-Director of the Laboratory for Biological Health Psychology, in which current research addresses the question how acute and chronic stress is translated into pathophysiological mechanisms at the level of organs and cells.

Research Intrest

Dr. Rohleder's expertise is in human psychoneuroimmunologal and psychoneuroendocrinologal research. In particular, Dr. Rohleder is the Co-Director of the Laboratory for Biological Health Psychology, in which current research addresses the question how acute and chronic stress is translated into pathophysiological mechanisms at the level of organs and cells.

List of Publications
Strahler J, Rohleder N, Wolf JM. Acute psychosocial stress induces differential short-term changes in catecholamine sensitivity of stimulated inflammatory cytokine production. Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2015 Jan 31;43:139-48.
Breines JG, McInnis CM, Kuras YI, Thoma MV, Gianferante D, Hanlin L, Chen X, Rohleder N. Self-compassionate young adults show lower salivary alpha-amylase responses to repeated psychosocial stress. Self and Identity. 2015 Jul 4;14(4):390-402.
Ehrlich KB, Miller GE, Rohleder N, Adam EK. Trajectories of relationship stress and inflammatory processes in adolescence. Development and psychopathology. 2016 Feb;28(1):127-38.