Niall Hanan

Plant and Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State University


Education BSc 1985. Liverpool Polytechnic-John Moore’s University, Applied Biology, 1st Class Honors PhD 1990. Queen Mary College, University of London, Biology Academic Positions January 2017 – present: Professor, Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico January 2011-December 2016: Senior Scientist & Professor, Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence (GSCE), South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. January 2017 – present: Adjunct Faculty, Natural Resource Management, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota January 2011 – present: Adjunct Faculty, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability & Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado September 2007-July 2008: Fulbright Research and Teaching Scholar, Université de Bamako, Mali and Institut Polytechnique Rural de Katibougou, Koulikoro, Mali July 2007 – December 2010: Senior Research Scientist/Research Professor, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU  February 2001 – June 2007: Research Scholar III/Research Associate Professor, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU July 1998 – January 2001: Research Scholar II/Research Assistant Professor, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (papers led by * graduate student, + post-doc; Impact Factors (IF) based on ISI Journal Citation Reports) 67. Hanan, N. P. and Giannini, A. 2017, A perfect sandstorm: how history and science shape perceptions of desertification in the Sahel, Global Environmental Change (in review). 66. Koerner, S. E., Smith, M. D., Burkepile, D. E., Hanan, N. P., Avolio, M. L., Collins, S. L., Knapp, A. K., Lemoine, N. P., Forrestel, E. J., Eby, S., Thompson, D. I. and The Grazing Exclosure Consortium, 2017, Resolving variation in herbivore effects on plant biodiversity – dominance as a global mechanism, Nature-Ecology & Evolution (in review). 65. *Axelsson, C. R., and Hanan, N. P., 2017, Patterns in woody vegetation structure across African savannas, Biogeosciences Discussions, (DOI:10.5194/bg-2017-7). 64. *Dohn, J. Augustine, D. J., Hanan, N. P., Ratnam, J. and Sankaran, M., 2017, Spatial vegetation patterns and neighborhood competition among woody plants in an East African savanna, Ecology, 98 (2), 478-488 (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1661).    

Research Intrest

community and ecosystem ecologist with particular research interests in the ecological and biogeochemical dynamics of tropical and temperate grasslands and savannas. He approaches these subjects at a range of spatial and temporal scales, from detailed plot-based experimentation, to landscape-scale observations, to landscape, regional and continental scale remote sensing and modeling.

List of Publications
Privette J. L., M. Mukelabai, N. Hanan, and Z. Hao. 2005. SAFARI 2000 Surface Albedo and Radiation Fluxes at Mongu and Skukuza, 2000-2002. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/786
Caroline E. R. Lehmann, C. E. R. Anderson, M. T., Sankaran, M., Higgins, S. I., Archibald, S., Hoffmann, W. A., Hanan, N. P., et al., 2014, Savanna Vegetation-Fire-Climate Relationships Differ Among Continents, Science 343, 548-552 Supplementary Materials. Available on-line
Kaptue, A.T., N.P. Hanan, L. Prihodko, and J.A. Ramirez. 2015. Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Rainfall in Africa, 0.25 degrees, from 1998-2012. Data set. Available on-line
+Sankaran M., N. P. Hanan, and R. J. Scholes. 2007. Characteristics of African Savanna Biomes for Determining Woody Cover. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/850