Sebastián N, Belau S, Eremin A, Alaasar M, Prehm M, Tschierske C. Emergence of polar order and tilt in terephthalate based bent-core liquid crystals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(8):5895-905.
Sebastián N, Robles-Hernández B, Diez-Berart S, Salud J, Luckhurst GR, Dunmur DA, López DO, de la Fuente MD. Distinctive dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal dimers. Liquid Crystals. 2017 Jan 2;44(1):177-90.
Appel I, Nádasi H, Reitz C, Sebastián N, Hahn H, Eremin A, Stannarius R, Behrens SS. Doping of nematic cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals with mesogen-hybridized magnetic nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(19):12127-35.
SebastiaÌn N. Physical Properties of Liquid Crystal Dimers: Calamitics and Bent-Shaped (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Thesis. University of the Basque Country: Bilbao, Spain).