Nadezhda Tikhonova

Clinical Research Manager
Astra Zeneca
Russian Federation

Academician Pulmonology

 CRM: manager of the Clinical Research Deratment; responsible for QMS; responsible for staff training system People management and development (line manager for 15-30 employees in different periods, currently 15s: project leads, SrCRAs, CRAs) Local Sponsor for the clinical trials Holding the position of the Clinical Quality Manager and SPOC for the quality questions Experience in oncology, diabetes, cardiology, pulmonology studies. Phases II, III, Patient's access trials. Feasibilities and submissions. Experience in the audits. Trainings: 2008 - Project Management Course, AZ Poland, Warsaw 2008 - ISO 9001:2000 Internal auditors course, Bureau Veritas, Budapest 2014-2015 - Bled School of Management

Research Intrest
