Murodzhon Akhmedov

PhD student
Bioinformatics Core
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland


I received my BSc degree in Industrial Engineering and my double major in Management from Fatih University (Istanbul, Turkey). Then, I continued my MSc in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Computational Biology at Sabanci University (Istanbul, Turkey) where I worked on protein structure determination and drug interactions. Currently, I am a PhD student at Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) and Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) in Switzerland. I have been visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). My research is focused on applications of graph algorithms and artificial intelligence in cancer systems biology. I have been developing computational methods to analyze and efficiently integrate genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data, and predict biologically functional modules. My expected graduation date is August 2017.

Research Intrest

Big Data Analytics, Science, Matlab, Data Analysis, C++, Algorithms, Research, Programming, Programming language, Latex, C, Optimization Packages: ILOG Optimization Studio, Tora, CPLEX, OPL

List of Publications
Akhmedov M, Çatay B, Apaydın MS. Automating unambiguous NOE data usage in NVR for NMR protein structure-based assignments. Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology. 2015 Dec;13(06):1550020.
Akhmedov M, Kwee I, Montemanni R. A divide and conquer matheuristic algorithm for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2016 Jun 30;70:18-25.
Akhmedov M, Kwee I, Montemanni R. A fast heuristic for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem. Lecture Notes in Management Science. 2014;6:207-16.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology