Munir Qazzaz

Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Professions
Birzeit University
Palestinian Territory

Academician Nursing

Dr. Munir Qazzaz is affiliated to the Department of Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Professions, Birzeit University, where Dr. Munir Qazzaz is currently working as Acadamecian. Dr. Munir Qazzaz has numerous publications within the specialty and published in reputed national and international peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Munir Qazzaz is actively associated with different national and international societies and academies. Dr. Munir Qazzaz gain recognition among the honourable subject experts with the contributions made. Dr. Munir Qazzaz is been appreciated by several reputed awards and funding support. Dr. Munir Qazzaz major research interest is in studies related to Physiology and Neurophysiology.

Research Intrest

Physiology and Neurophysiology

List of Publications
Xu, F. , Armstrong, R., Urrego, D., Qazzaz, M., Pehar, M., Armstrong, J.N., Syed, N.I. (2014) Rat cortical neurons exposed to sevoflurane and desflurane exhibit decreased synaptic development. International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting and international symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Qazzaz MM, Winlow W. Differential Actions of Volatile Anaesthetics and a Systemic Barbiturate on Strongly Electrically Coupled Neurons. EC Neurology. 2015;2:188-204.
Xu, F., Ma, K., Qazzaz, M. and Syed, N. I. (submitted) Taurine increases neurite outgrowth and promotes synapse development in the central nervous system.