Ms Carly Siebentritt

Research assistant
Science Communication
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Academician Medical Sciences

Carly worked for several years as a research assistant at the University of Melbourne looking at DNA prime, protein boost vaccines against HIV-1. Finding that lab work (and wriggling mice) weren't quite for her, she completed a Grad. Dip. of Science Communication with the Science Circus at Questacon. Returning to Melbourne she discovered her niche at CSIRO Education (now CSIRO Education and Outreach) working closely with colleagues to educate, entertain and engage a variety of audiences with science. Carly has project managed a number of science community engagement events over the years for audiences ranging from industry groups, to schools, to comedians.Carly now coordinates CSIRO Science Bootcamps across Australia. Science Bootcamps are two-day programs for secondary school students during the school holidays where students can engage with researchers, visit laboratories at CSIRO sites and participate in science and technology activities. More information about Bootcamps can be found here:

Research Intrest

Biomedical Science

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences