Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Academician Veterinary Sciences

Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad is working as lecturer in the Department of Theriogenology. He is enganged with the Department since 2009. He graduated as DVM (2008). He pursued his M.Phil in subject of Theriogenology (UVAS) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmad. His work during M.Phil was on “Dynamics of Membrane Changes and Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species during Bovine Sperm Death”. Presently, he is pursuing his Ph.D in UVAS. He received fellowship award through Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program (2010) to perform the research there. He worked as research fellow for six months in “Westgen Research Suit” in Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He received Nestle Academic award for higher performance in academics (2009). He has also honor to acquire “Star Award” as excellence in young teachers from South Asia Publications (2010). He is member of Society for Animal Reproduction of Pakistan (SARP), Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC) and International Goat Association (IGA). It’s an honor that he has been invited (2013) by “International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS)” as nominee from Pakistan to present status of embryo transfer in Pakistan in 39th annual meeting of IETS in Hannover, Germany. His main responsibilities are teaching of Theriogenology courses, clinical case handling, research and farm extension services. He has been part of organizing committees of many national/international conferences, workshops and seminars.

Research Intrest

Cryobiology of gametes. Development of suitable freezing protocol for sperm cryopreservation Assessment of kinetics of apoptosis and death in sperm during storage Determination of methods/techniques to minimize damage to sperm during storage.

List of Publications
Riaz A, Abbass W, Ahmad M, Jabbar A, Akram M, Ahmad N Effect of Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) as Antioxidant on Semen Quality of Naked Neck Chicken (2013).
Ahmad M, Ahmed M OR1-6 Deterioration in Sperm Quality During Freeze-Thawing can be reduced using Cholesterol Loaded Cylodextrin in Buffalo Bull Semen (2014). J Reprod Develop
Ahmad M, Ahmad N, Riaz A, Anzar M 71 Bovine Sperm Death Kinetics: Changes in Motility, Acrosomes and Plasma Membrane (2012). Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 25: 183. (39th Annual Conference of International Embryo Transfer Society, January 19-22, 2013. Hannover, Germany)