Michael Bowker

Research Social Scientist
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America


Michael Bowker Current Research Recreation demand; benefit valuation of recreation and wilderness; impacts of recreation on local economies; wildlife-fishery management economics; recreation use, user fees, policy; recreation forecasting. R&D Affiliations Southern Research Station Integrating Human and Natural Systems

Research Intrest

Integrating Human and Natural Systems

List of Publications
Paudyal, Ramesh; Poudyal, Neelam C.; Bowker, J.M.; Dorison, Adrienne M.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Green, Gary T. 2015. A value orientation approach to assess and compare climate change risk perception among trout anglers in Georgia, USA.
Holmes, Tom; Bowker, Michael; Englin, Jeffrey; Hjerpe, Evan; Loomis, John B.; Phillips, Spencer; Richardson, Robert. 2015. A Synthesis of the Economic Values of Wilderness.
Song, Nianfu; Shifley, Stephen R.; Bowker, Michael; Emery, Marla R.; Aguilar, Francisco X.; Skog, Kenneth E. 2016. Maintenance and enhancement of long-term multiple socioeconomic benefits to meet the needs of societies.
Prestemon, Jeff; Kruger, Linda; Abt, Karen L.; Bowker, Michael; Brandeis, Consuelo; Calkin, Dave; Donovan, Geoffrey H.; Ham, Charlotte; Holmes, Thomas P.; Kline, Jeffrey; Warziniack, Travis. 2016. Economics and societal considerations of drought.