Merylin Cross

Senior Lecturer, (Research intensive) School of He
Department of health
University of Tasmania

Academician Nursing

Dr Merylin Cross is a research intensive academic in the School of Health Sciences in the Faculty of Health. She has a background in nursing, sociology and nursing education and is interested in qualitative and mixed methods research, rural health, health workforce, clinical placements and interprofessional education. Dr Cross has 30+ years of experience in nursing education, including curriculum development, course coordination, accreditation and project management. Since 2011 she has generated over two million dollars in grants, primarily for clinical education. She has taught offshore in five countries, presented 11 papers at international conferences and was a member of a team that were runners-up in a National Business-Higher Education Research and Training (B-HERT) award for collaboration.

Research Intrest

Nursing research, Leadership and management in nursing, Legal and ethical issues, Nursing, society & culture, Transcultural care, Professional issues, Health teaching & promotion, Transition to practice/rural practice, Collaborative care, Therapeutic communication.

List of Publications
Betihavas V, Bridgman H, Kornhaber R, Cross M. The evidence for ‘flipping out’: a systematic review of the flipped classroom in nursing education. Nurse Education Today. 2016 Mar 31;38:15-21.
Barnett T, Cross M, Shahwan-Akl L, Jacob E. The evaluation of a successful collaborative education model to expand student clinical placements. Nurse Education in Practice. 2010 Jan 31;10(1):17-21.
Barnett T, Cross M, Jacob E, Shahwan-Akl L, Welch A, Caldwell A, Berry R. Building capacity for the clinical placement of nursing students. Collegian. 2008 May 31;15(2):55-61.