Matteo Nanni

 General Orthopedics
Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Orthopaedics

During the academic years 2010-11 and 2011-12 he provided educational activities, including classes, exams and tutoring for graduating students, for the courses in “Diseases of the Locomotor System”, “Traumatology” and “Sports Traumatology”, within the degree courses of “Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activity” and “Motor Sciences” at the Faculty of Motor Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Research Intrest

Ankle and foot pathologies, child orthopedic pathologies.

List of Publications
Kon E, Vannini F, Buda R, Filardo G, Cavallo M, Ruffilli A, Nanni M, Di Martino A, Marcacci M, Giannini S. How to treat osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: surgical techniques and new trends: AAOS exhibit selection. JBJS. 2012 Jan 4;94(1):e1.
Giannini S, Faldini C, Nanni M, Di Martino A, Luciani D, Vannini F. A minimally invasive technique for surgical treatment of hallux valgus: simple, effective, rapid, inexpensive (SERI). International orthopaedics. 2013 Sep 1;37(9):1805-13.
Faldini C, Leonetti D, Nanni M, Di Martino A, Denaro L, Denaro V, Giannini S. Cervical disc herniation and cervical spondylosis surgically treated by Cloward procedure: a 10-year-minimum follow-up study. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2010 Jun 1;11(2):99-103.