Matúš Nemec

Commenius University


"Matúš Nemec is a proffessor of department Faculty of Law, Charles University, Department of Roman Law, Canon Law and Church Law university lecturer, university"

Research Intrest

Church Law

List of Publications
Wolters Kluwer (2016) ABD Právna subjektivita cirkví a náboženských spoločností v Slovenskej republike vo svetle vnútroštátneho práva a judikatúry Európskeho súdu pre ľudské práva / Matúš Nemec, 115-130.
ABC Principles and principles of Canonical procedural law /Matus Nemec Elements and Principles of Roman and Canonical Procedural Law. Leges, 2016 - 13-31
"AAB Natural Law - Its Development and Elements in Roman and Canonial Law / Róbert Brtko, Veronika Čunderlík Čerbová, Matúš Nemec Bratislava:"