Marie Pizzorno-Simpson

Professor of Biology
cell biology/biochemistry
Bucknell University
United States of America

Academician Biochemistry

Marie Pizzorno-Simpson Is The Professor At Bucknell University ,In The Department Of cell biology/biochemistry.She Did Her Ph.D At Johns Hopkins School of Medicine And B.A At Whittier College. She joined the department in 1996 after completing a visiting professorship in the Biology Department at Vassar College.She received postdoctoral training at Princeton University and have been actively studying the molecular biology of herpesviruses since 1985.At Bucknell University Professor Pizzorno-Simpson Teaches BIOL205 - Introduction to Molecules and Cells, Virology BIOL 347, Molecular Biology BIOL 327, and a section of Biochemical Methods BIOL 340.                          

Research Intrest

Herpes viruses,molecular and cellular biology of eukaryotic viruses.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry