Maria Paola Landini

Scientific Director
Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Microbiology

Her intense and various teaching activity, spanning over 40 years of academic career, is documented in the service records of the University of Bologna. Among the other commitments, noteworthy are the activities as: Teacher of Microbiology for students of the 3rd year of the Specialist Degree in Medicine and Surgery, with her students obtaining a constant over-average evaluation on the subject within the medical faculty; Teacher of Microbiology for students of the 2nd year of the Specialist Degree in Dentistry; Teacher of Microbiology and virology for students attending specialist training courses at the Specialization School of Microbiology and Virology; In addition, she has held a numerous series of courses in several other Specialization Schools, Master Degree Courses and High Training Courses.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Lanari M, Lazzarotto T, Venturi V, Papa I, Gabrielli L, Guerra B, Landini MP, Faldella G. Neonatal cytomegalovirus blood load and risk of sequelae in symptomatic and asymptomatic congenitally infected newborns. Pediatrics. 2006 Jan 1;117(1):e76-83.
Lazzarotto T, Guerra B, Lanari M, Gabrielli L, Landini MP. New advances in the diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2008 Mar 31;41(3):192-7.
Lazzarotto T, Varani S, Guerra B, Nicolosi A, Lanari M, Landini MP. Prenatal indicators of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. The Journal of pediatrics. 2000 Jul 31;137(1):90-5.