Marco Cummaudo

Research Scholar
Forensic Anthropology
Cranfield University
United Kingdom

Academician Medical Sciences

BA Hons in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Prehistoric Archaeology) from Ca' Foscari University of Venice (2010). MSc in Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology and Forensic Anthropology from the Universities of Milan, Bologna and Pisa (2012).  From 2012 to present, Marco has been working as an intern at LABANOF (Forensic Anthropology and Odontology Laboratory) in Milan, dealing with human and non-human skeletal remains. Marco is currently a full-time PhD student at Cranfield University under the supervision of Professor Nicholas Marquez-Grant.

Research Intrest

Marco's research focuses on species identification of bone fragments through histological and XRD analysis

List of Publications
Cummaudo M, Guerzoni M, Gibelli D, Cigada A, Obertova Z, Ratnayake M, Poppa P, Gabriel P, Ritz-Timme S & Cattaneo C (2014) Towards a method for determining age ranges from faces of juveniles on photographs, Forensic Science International, 239 107.e1-107e.7.
Caccia G., Magli F., Tagi V., Porta D., Cummaudo M., Márquez-Grant N. & Cattaneo C. (2016) Histological determination of the human origin from dry bone: a cautionary note for subadults, International Journal of Legal Medicine, 130 (1) 299-307.
clarke M, Bailey C & Burr J (2008) Leadership development: making a difference in unfavourable circumstances, Journal of Management Development, 27 (8) 824-842.

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