Head of the "Competence-oriented teaching"
Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation
Padagogische Hochschule Bern

Academician General Science

Professional background Since 2016 head of the "Competence-oriented teaching" program, PHBern Since 2005 teaching at the institute preschool and primary school, PHBern 2005-2008 Project HarmoS Educational standards Natural sciences, co-project management 2001-2005 Teaching activity in teacher training Bern, primary school, institutes Berne Marzili and Berne NMS 1997-2005 Collaboration Project management and author in the curriculum "Lernwelten Natur - Mensch - Mitwelt" 1992-1996 Collaboration Project management Curriculum Volksschule Kanton Bern 1988-1992 Member of the school management at the Biel State Seminar, Department of General Education 1985-1990 Project management and co-author Course "Geography - In Switzerland" 1983-2002 Teaching at the Biel State Seminar in the areas of study Fachdidaktik Heimatunterricht / Natur - Mensch - Mitwelt, Geography, Economics, History and General Ecology, TZU (themed teaching) Natural and social sciences 1978-1983 assistant assistant and assistant at the Geographical Institute of the University of Bern, Department of Regional Geography and Fachdidaktik (with Prof. Dr. K. Aerni) 1974-1983 Substitutions at the Volksschule and at Gymnasien

Research Intrest

Research activities at PHBern Since 2016 head of the "Competence-oriented teaching" 2013-2016 R & D project "The parallel use of teaching materials in different disciplines at primary level" (in collaboration with the Commission for Curriculum and Teaching Aids in the German-speaking part of the Canton of Berne) 2010-2016 R & D project "Competencies and competence development of pupils for spatial orientation in the primary school" 2005-2008 Project education standards Natural sciences (EDK, PHBern) 2003-2007 R & D project "Education in space, time and society, primary education" (PHBern, Zentrum F + E und IVP) 2003-2006 R & D project "Knowledge acquisition through further education in the NMM area" (jointly with Thomas Balmer, PHBern, Center R + E, IWB and IVP) Research activities outside PHBern 1978-1982 Collaboration in the project "Man and Biosphere" (MAB), test area Aletsch (Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern)

List of Publications
Adamina M. Vorstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu raum-, zeit-und geschichtsbezogenen Themen.
Adamina M. Bottom up und top down–die Verschränkung von schulpraktischen und grundlegenden fachdidaktischen Anliegen bei der Entwicklung von Lern-und Lehrmaterialien. Lehrmittel neu diskutiert. 2004:67-85.
Labudde P, Adamina M. HarmoS Naturwissenschaften: Impulse für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht von morgen. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung. 2008;26(3):351-60.

Global Scientific Words in General Science