Executive Director, Division of Atmospheric Scienc
Division of Atmospheric Sciences
Desert Research Center
Dr. Pitchford has been involved in air quality monitoring and assessment research since 1974. In particular his interests and experience has been in leading technical teams responsible for the design and management of extensive aerosol and visibility monitoring studies and networks. Among his achievements is the design and oversight of the IMPROVE aerosol and visibility monitoring network which started with 20 sites in 1986 and continues to operate over 160 sites nationwide; the design and technical leadership of Project MOHAVE (1991 – 1996) and the BRAVO Study (1997 – 2004), both involved extensive field monitoring programs with ambient measurements and tracer release and monitoring followed by deterministic and receptor modeling for source attribution; and co-technical leader of the EPA PM Super Sites program that funded five university research partnerships to develop and operate sophisticated aerosol monitoring sites various urban areas. Dr. Pitchford has also acted as a visibility subject matter expert adviser to the US Environmental Protection Agency for the development and implementation of policy for visibility protection of national parks and wilderness areas, and for the review/revisions of the Secondary Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
atmospheric visibility, remote area air quality, IMPROVE, urban visibility