
Manuel Alberto Segovia Quintero  is currently working under project Design and development of technologies applied to recirculation systems

Research Intrest

Design and development of aquaculture technology

List of Publications
Sánchez Serrano, S., Paniagua Chávez, C. G., Segovia Quintero, M. A., & Weirich, C. (2014). Short and long term preservation of sablefish sperm from Baja California, México. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 76(3), 245-254.
González Hermoso, J. P., Peña Messina, E., Miranda Baeza, A., Martinez Cordorba, L., Gutierrez Wing, M., & Segovia Quintero, M. A. (2016). Effect of four different pretreatments in nitrogen and phosphorus flow and mass balance in effluents of a recirculating aquaculture system. CICIMAR Oceánides, 31(2), 1-8.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture