Malcolm G. Butler

Department of Biological Sciences
North Dakota State University
United States of America



Research Intrest

My limnological research emphasizes the ecological roles of invertebrates and vertebrates in lentic & wetland systems. I am also interested in the biology of the Chironomidae, especially the genus Chironomus. Currently, I'm focused primarily on ecological studies of invertebrate communities in arctic ponds and shallow lakes. Other recent research projects include: Effects of water-level regulation on lake benthos in Voyageur’s National Park. Effects of fish on wetlands in the prairie ecosystem. Systematics and ecology of Chironomus (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Holarctic. Limnology of a shallow prairie lake (Lake Christina) in response to biomanipulation. Use of benthic macroinvertebrates in biological assessment of lakes and wetlands. Biological characteristics of forested wetlands.