Mac Callaham

Team Leader/Research Ecologist
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America


R&D Affiliations Southern Research Station Center for Forest Disturbance Science Southern Research Station Center for Forest Disturbance Science I am interested in soil ecosystem responses to natural disturbances (fire, wind, and flood), forest management practices which seek to simulate disturbances (prescribed fire, thinning, harvesting), and anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. invasive species). I am particularly interested in responses of soil biota (e.g. earthworms, herbivorous insects, soil microbes, etc.) to these disturbances and land management practices, and how changes in invertebrate assemblages may lead to changes in other components of forest systems (e.g. nutrient relationships, plant-herbivore relationships). In addition to pure soil biology, I am also interested in elemental dynamics, and specifically the effects of prescribed fire on soil organic matter and toxics (soil carbon, nitrogen, and mercury).

Research Intrest

Invasive Species Inventory and Monitoring Resource Management and Use Water, Air, and Soil Wildland Fire and Fuels Priority Areas Climate Change Forest Disturbances Experimental Forests and Ranges Calhoun Experimental Forest Fernow Experimental Forest H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest Harrison Experimental Forest Hitchiti Experimental Forest

List of Publications
Coyle, David R.; Nagendra, Uma J.; Taylor, Melanie K.; Campbell, J. Holly; Cunard, Chelsea E.; Joslin, Aaron H.; Mundepi, Abha; Phillips, Carly A.; Callaham, Mac A. 2017. Soil fauna responses to natural disturbances, invasive species, and global climate change: Current state of the science and a call to action.
Strickland, Michael S.; Callaham, Mac A.; Gardiner, Emile S.; Stanturf, John A.; Leff, Jonathan W.; Fierer, Noah; Bradford, Mark A. 2017. Response of soil microbial community composition and function to a bottomland forest restoration intensity gradient.