M. M Hossain

Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Research Intrest

Forests from subsistence towards trade

List of Publications
Hossain MM, de Lasa HI. Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) for inherent CO2 separations—a review. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 Sep 30;63(18):4433-51.
Ashley EA, Dhorda M, Fairhurst RM, Amaratunga C, Lim P, Suon S, Sreng S, Anderson JM, Mao S, Sam B, Sopha C. Spread of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria. New England Journal of Medicine. 2014 Jul 31;371(5):411-23.
Kotloff KL, Nataro JP, Blackwelder WC, Nasrin D, Farag TH, Panchalingam S, Wu Y, Sow SO, Sur D, Breiman RF, Faruque AS. Burden and aetiology of diarrhoeal disease in infants and young children in developing countries (the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, GEMS): a prospective, case-control study. The Lancet. 2013 Jul 26;382(9888):209-22.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture