Luca Sangiorgi

Medical Genetics and Rare Orthopaedic Diseases
Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Orthopaedics

Coordinator for Emilia Romagna region (Health Social and welfare Regional Agency) of the commitment EIP-AHA Action Plan 1 "Adherence to prescription, treatment and therapy". In 2013 he was nomineed as Italian government representant by the Ministry of Health for BBMRI Italy in Europe about Biobank and clinical data repositories. Coordinator of the Rizzoli Rare Disease Center and responsible of 3 National Registers of Rare Disease (Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, Multiple Hereditary Exostoses and Osteogenesis Imperfecta).Member of the National Coordination Team for Clinical Genetics Departments and coordinates the National and Regional Hub and Spoke Network on Skeletal Dysplasias. Coordinator of many the Regional Lab for Bioinformatics (CLIBI, BioPharmaNet, Piattaforma Scienza della Vita, GeBBA-Lab) he is also member of HL7 interest group for bioinformatics. Contributor of more than 50 articles published in peer reviewed journal such as American Journal of Human Genetics, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Human Mutation and International Journal of Cancer. Active member of several international medical association and serving in the Executive Committee of the CTOS as President. Expert Reviewer for the European Union Commission for the Framework Projects 6 (FP6) and Framework Projects 7 (FP7) grants.

Research Intrest

Clinical Bioinformatics, Molecular Genetics and Correlation between genotype and phenotype in musculoskeletal genetic disorders and bone sarcomas

List of Publications
Paoloni M, Davis S, Lana S, Withrow S, Sangiorgi L, Picci P, Hewitt S, Triche T, Meltzer P, Khanna C. Canine tumor cross-species genomics uncovers targets linked to osteosarcoma progression. BMC genomics. 2009 Dec 23;10(1):625.
Lucarelli E, Fini M, Beccheroni A, Giavaresi G, Di Bella C, Aldini NN, Guzzardella G, Martini L, Cenacchi A, Di Maggio N, Sangiorgi L. Stromal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma improve bone allograft integration. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2005 Jun 1;435:62-8.
Lucarelli E, Beccheroni A, Donati D, Sangiorgi L, Cenacchi A, Del Vento AM, Meotti C, Bertoja AZ, Giardino R, Fornasari PM, Mercuri M. Platelet-derived growth factors enhance proliferation of human stromal stem cells. Biomaterials. 2003 Aug 31;24(18):3095-100.