Lu Chunxi

Department of Chemical Technology
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Lu Chunxi, male, born in February 1963 , Han nationality, Bazhou city of Hebei province, doctor, professor ( 973 chief scientist, national outstanding science and technology worker, excellent teaching teacher in Beijing), doctoral tutor. 1983 OnJuly graduated graduated from the Hebei Institute of Chemical Technology (now renamed the Hebei University of Science and Technology) in 1996 September by the University (Beijing) basic organic chemical engineering doctorate oil. 1983 ~ 1996 in Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Company, is now a professor of chemical engineering, where the discipline for the chemical engineering and technology and power engineering and engineering thermophysics, the main research direction for the process of strengthening and equipment and petrochemical process equipment. In recent years, presided over or participated in the project National Natural Science Foundation, 973, international cooperation, PetroChina, Sinopec and other projects more than 30; by the National Science and Technology Progress Award 2 (ranked No. 1, No. 3), provincial and ministerial level science and technology award 18 (of which the grand prize a, 1 prize 8 items ); eligible for invention patents 42; published more than 320 papers at home and abroad (in which SCI , EI included 190 over articles), published monographs and textbooks each 1 book. Enjoy the special allowance of the State Council.

Research Intrest

Chemical Technology

List of Publications
Fan Y, Ye S, Chao Z, Lu C, Sun G, Shi M. Gas–solid two‐phase flow in FCC riser. AIChE journal. 2002 Sep 1;48(9):1869-87.
Gao J, Lan X, Fan Y, Chang J, Wang G, Lu C, Xu C. CFD modeling and validation of the turbulent fluidized bed of FCC particles. AIChE journal. 2009 Jul 1;55(7):1680-94.