Lourdes Baez Conde

Department of preventive medicine
California Southern University
United States of America

Academician Medical Sciences

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH, is a tenured professor in preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati is also a Member of the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center where she is co-Director and Project Leader of the Patient Education and Community Outreach Center. She is Director of community outreach and education at the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research, is in a Multiple PI structure, a PI of the Office of Community Engagement of the Southern California Clinical Translation Institute (CTSI). She is an internal advisory committee member to the Center for Environmental Health Community Outreach Core, and a founding Director of an international effort, the Center for Health Equity in the Americas, a KSOM program out of the Dean's Office, focused on research and education with the goal of reducing disparities and achieving health equity throughout the Americas. She is Co-Director of the Global Health Leadership Track in the Masters of Public Health Program, and conducts and promotes student and faculty research on a variety of topics among vulnerable population groups. She has a Courtesy Appointment at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati has a solid reputation as a widely recognized national and international community engaged scholar in the areas of culture and community health, with an emphasis on Hispanic/Latino health. Her work is known for its creativity, and transdisciplinary nature, where academic disciplines and community talent converge with ingenuity to produce unique programs of research that advance science while fulfilling community needs. She is strongly engaged in community participatory and population-based research and serves in the community as a community/academic broker for culturally and community grounded research.

Research Intrest

modify cultural and lifestyle risk factors for cancer and tobacco control at the community level

List of Publications
Sussman S, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Garcia R, Barker DC, Samet JM, Leventhal A, Unger JB. Commentary: forces that drive the vape shop industry and implications for the health professions. Evaluation & the health professions. 2016 Sep;39(3):379-88.
Soto C, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Schwartz SJ, Unger JB. Stressful life events, ethnic identity, historical trauma, and participation in cultural activities: Associations with smoking behaviors among American Indian adolescents in California. Addictive behaviors. 2015 Nov 30;50:64-9.
Cano MÁ, Schwartz SJ, Castillo LG, Romero AJ, Huang S, Lorenzo-Blanco EI, Unger JB, Zamboanga BL, Des Rosiers SE, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Lizzi KM. Depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors among Hispanic immigrant adolescents: Examining longitudinal effects of cultural stress. Journal of adolescence. 2015 Jul 31;42:31-9.

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