Faculty of Medicine
National Heart Lung Institute
United Kingdom
With 20 years of experience in acute medicine, epidemiological research in Europe, and humanitarian public health projects in Africa, Louisa is passionate about improving health at population level, teaching and mentoring students for reaching their full potential. After completing an MSc in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2006, she has joined the Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group as research integration co-ordinator of the GA2LEN epidemiological studies of asthma across Europe. Her role involved co-ordination of large population surveys, case-control studies and collaborative research on the association of asthma and puberty. Then she worked with Professor Porter at the Medical Research Council as co-ordinator of The British Cohort of HIV Seroconverters, a life-time epidemiological study of HIV in volunteers from over 120 NHS clinics. Later, she re-joined Professor Burney to co-ordinate the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease Study, a global initiative at 45 sites in 40 countries across the world. Louisa's research focused on the burden of tobacco, prevalence and determinants of airflow obstruction and respiratory exacerbations and inequalities in access to essential treatments and preventions for respiratory disease
epidemiology, longitudinal studies