Liz Hedstrom

Professor of Biology and Chemistry
Life Sciences
Brandeis University
United States of America

Academician Immunology

Liz Hedstrom was born and majored in chemistry. On a sunny day in May of 1980, her favorite professor at UVa, Tom Cromartie, suggested that she go to Brandeis and get a Ph.D. with Bob Abeles. She went on to do postdoctoral work at UCSF, first with C.C. Wang studying protozoan parasites, and later with Bill Rutter, where she converted trypsin into chymotrypsin. Now almost thirty years after that pivotal May day, she is back at Brandeis... Chemical Reviews 2009 Awards: AAAS Fellow (2010), Louis Dembitz Brandeis Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2007), Beckman Young Investigator (1995), NSF Career Award (1995), Searle Scholar (1993)

Research Intrest

Enzyme structure-function studies; design of antibiotics and antiparasitics; targeted protein degradation

List of Publications
Patton GC, Stenmark P, Gollapalli DR, Sevastik R, Kursula P, Flodin S, Schuler H, Swales CT, Eklund H, Himo F, Nordlund P. Cofactor mobility determines reaction outcome in the IMPDH and GMPR (β-α) 8 barrel enzymes. Nature chemical biology. 2011 Dec 1;7(12):950-8.
Hedstrom L, Liechti G, B Goldberg J, R Gollapalli D. The antibiotic potential of prokaryotic IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors. Current medicinal chemistry. 2011 May 1;18(13):1909-18.
Mortimer SE, Xu D, McGrew D, Hamaguchi N, Lim HC, Bowne SJ, Daiger SP, Hedstrom L. IMP dehydrogenase type 1 associates with polyribosomes translating rhodopsin mRNA. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008 Dec 26;283(52):36354-60.