Liu Bei

Department of Chemical Technology
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Liu Bei, female , doctor , professor, doctoral tutor. Ministry of Education of the new century talents, Beijing Science and Technology star, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) youth top-notch talent. In 2008 graduated from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, received a doctorate in science. 2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral research at the University of California at Berkeley. The main research direction: natural gas hydrate formation process molecular simulation, hydrate and new nano-porous materials in the gas storage and separation applications.

Research Intrest

Chemical Technology

List of Publications
Liu B, Lu ZY, Pan B, Wang CZ, Ho KM, Shvartsburg AA, Jarrold MF. Ionization of medium-sized silicon clusters and the geometries of the cations. The Journal of chemical physics. 1998 Dec 1;109(21):9401-9.
Yang Y, Liu B, Dai J, Srivastava PK, Zammit DJ, Lefrançois L, Li Z. Heat shock protein gp96 is a master chaperone for toll-like receptors and is important in the innate function of macrophages. Immunity. 2007 Feb 23;26(2):215-26.