Liu Bao

Department of Life Science
Northeast Normal University

Academician Plant Sciences

Since the full-time return to China in 2001, has assumed the "National Outstanding Youth Science Fund", the National Natural Science Foundation of major, focus, surface projects, the Ministry of Education, "Cheung Kong Scholars and Innovative Team Development Plan" innovation team, "State Bureau of Foreign Affairs / Ministry of Education Discipline innovation Zhizhi plan ", the national plant genetically modified, 973 subjects and other topics more than 10 items. A total of more than 100 papers published in PNAS, Nature Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, BMC Biology, Genetics, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Genome, BMC Plant Biology , Cited by SCI others for more than 2,000 times, including by Cell, Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, Annual Review of Plant Biology, Annual Review of Genetics, Trend in Genetics, Trend in Ecology and Evolution, Plant Cell, PNAS, EMBO Journal Magazine multiple references. Participated in the United States NSF plant polyploid, epigenetics and genome areas of a number of project reviews. Won the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological awards 5

Research Intrest

Plant epigenetics