Lin Yip times

Chaoyang University of Technology


Based on the unique feelings of Taiwan's rural areas, I chose Taiwan's agricultural system as the first field of study. Three years of university training training, due to multiple book awards and various scholarships to encourage, and the class graduation of the first outstanding achievements, so I get a lot of teachers on the affirmation, to direct research institutes to teach, After two years to continue to pursue a doctorate. During the period of training, the individual, in addition to completing the master's and doctoral thesis, followed the research work of Wu Rongjie, completed the two-year national science research program and five periodical papers to cultivate the independent research spirit and enhance the writing ability The Five and a half years of study and exploration, and with the professors of the day and night to get along, feel the individual academic research and teaching work with a strong interest, so after the completion of a doctoral degree into Lingdong business as an associate professor of business management, management economics, management and Investment and other courses, at the same time published three papers in the "economic papers" and other well-known journals, and by the National Science Association of 86 years a research award. In order to accompany the elderly mother who lived in the fog peak, the individual went to the Finance Department of Chaoyang University of Science and Technology in eighty-eight years, and continued to teach the finance course such as investment and finance mathematics, and continued to guide the postgraduate master's thesis , A few years after the accumulation of considerable teaching experience and research results. In order to enhance the virtuous circle effect of teaching and learning, to stimulate the potential of research potential, it is decided to personal professional research field from the agricultural field into the financial field, and returned to the alma mater, Taiwan University to accept a complete and rigorous financial doctoral training Experience meal wind drink, pick the lights night war, walking on thin ice doctoral life. Which still need to take into account the teaching and service work of Chaoyang University, as well as three young children education growth, although the life feel hard but full of good. During the period of the doctorate class in the University of Taiyuan, the financial management theory of the teacher and the capital market theory of the teacher and the teacher of the Wu and Mao were very lively and easy to explain. The financial empirical study of the teacher and the econometrics of the teacher, The introduction of various types of methods and empirical model; and Hong Mao-wei's financial engineering seminars and Hu Xingyang teacher's financial and financial research, I was impressed, a kind of "into the Baoshan can empty-handed" feeling, "promising Who is also "the lofty ambition is also arises spontaneously. Finally follow Zeng Yuren teacher, financial institutions mortgage market and information asymmetry as the title, the second doctoral thesis research and writing, hoping to contribute to the existing financial literature and academic research, is willing to live up to the cultivation of national society and all walks of life look forward to.

Research Intrest

Corporate finance and financial theory

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management