Li Xingxun

Department of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Li Xingxun, male, born in May 1988 , Han nationality, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, Dr., associate professor (China University of Petroleum (Beijing) youth top-notch talent), master tutor. In October 2011 , he graduated from the Imperial College of Science and Engineering, London, UK. In December 2014, he received a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh. Chemical engineering and technology, the main research direction for the fluid phase balance, reservoir fluid flow and physical properties, asphaltene deposition, natural gas hydrate, porous media flow, micro-scale visual measurement, improve the mining Yield and so on. In recent years, he chaired or participated undertake projects in China University of Petroleum (Beijing) the introduction of talent to start a fund; China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Youth Program Fund a top-notch talent; published at home and abroad 10 more than papers (which SCI included four, EI Included 1).

Research Intrest

Fluid phase balance, Reservoir fluid flow and physical properties, Asphaltene deposition, Natural gas hydrate, porous media flow, micro-scale visual measurement, improve the mining Yield

List of Publications
Li X, Fan X, Brandani S. Difference in pore contact angle and the contact angle measured on a flat surface and in an open space. Chemical Engineering Science. 2014 Sep 27;117:137-45.
Li X, Fan X, Askounis A, Wu K, Sefiane K, Koutsos V. An experimental study on dynamic pore wettability. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Dec 18;104:988-97.