Kathryn A. Degnan

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Catholic University of America
United States of America

Academician Psychiatry

Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland (2008-2015) Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland (2006-2008) Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of North Carolina Greensboro (2006) B.S., cum laude, Psychology, Mary Washington College (2000).

Research Intrest

My research interests are centered on identifying and defining early individual differences in emotion and behavior (i.e., temperament), with a particular focus on the transactional processes between individuals and the surrounding social context (e.g., parenting, peers) that contributes to risk and resilience throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Some of my recent work has examined patterns of temperamental reactivity, such as behavioral inhibition or exuberance, and the mitigating factors in relation to adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Overall, I strive to use measures of child and environmental factors across multiple levels of analysis (i.e., biological, individual, and family), analyzed with longitudinal statistical analysis techniques, to answer these complex questions of adaptation across the lifespan.

List of Publications
Degnan KA, Almas AN, Henderson HA, Hane AA, Walker OL, Fox NA. Longitudinal trajectories of social reticence with unfamiliar peers across early childhood. Developmental psychology. 2014 Oct;50(10):2311.
Lahat A, Degnan KA, White LK, McDermott JM, Henderson HA, Lejuez CW, Fox NA. Temperamental exuberance and executive function predict propensity for risk taking in childhood. Development and psychopathology. 2012 Aug;24(3):847-56.
Degnan KA, Hane AA, Henderson HA, Walker OL, Ghera MM, Fox NA. Emergent patterns of risk for psychopathology: The influence of infant avoidance and maternal caregiving on trajectories of social reticence. Development and psychopathology. 2015 Nov;27(4pt1):1163-78.