
Research Scientist
Cawthron Institute
New Zealand

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Julien is a shellfish biologist and bivalve hatchery specialist. Julien has joined the Cawthron Aquaculture Group and more specifically the Cultured Shellfish Programme as a research scientist and is delighted to be able to apply his Research & Development expertise in shellfish aquaculture to the development of New-Zealand aquaculture industry. Julien is currently involved in R&D projects, supporting directly the industry, looking at optimization of hatchery production processes of oyster spat; alternative methods for triploidy induction (4N method); geoduck spat production; and, selective breeding of flat oysters for Bonamia resistance.

Research Intrest

Shellfish hatchery production focusing on reproduction and larval development and optimization of hatchery processes  Development of rearing protocols and innovative systems for “new” species of interest for aquaculture Sustainable aquaculture (e.g. IMTA systems) Mollusc ecotoxicology (oil/PAHs, pesticides, biotoxins & HAB)  Shellfish physiology

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture