Jose Antonio Alcalde

Pontifical Catholic University

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Jose Antonio Alcalde is working as aprofessor at department of FACULTY OF AGRONOMY AND FORESTRY ENGINEERING at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His Research interests includes Plant Physiology

Research Intrest

 Plant Physiology

List of Publications
Wragg, D., Mwacharo, Joram M., Alcalde, J. A., Wang, C., Han, Jian-Lin; Gongora, J., Gourichon, D., Tixier-Boichard, M.; Hanotte, O. 2013. Endogenous Retrovirus EAV-HP Linked to Blue Egg Phenotype in Mapuche Fowl. PLOS ONE, 8(8): 1-9.
Cañón, P.M., González, Á.S., Alcalde, J.A., Bordeu, E. 2014. Red wine phenolic composition: The effects of summer pruning and cluster thinning [Composición fenólica del vino tinto: Efecto de chapoda de brotes y raleo de racimos]. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria, 41(2): 235-248.
Loyola, R., Herrera, D., Mas, A., Jan Wong D.C., Höll, J., Cavallini, E., Amato, A., Azuma, A., Ziegler, T., Aquea, F., Castellarin, S.D., Bogs, J., Tornielli, G.B. , Peña-Neira, A., Czemmel, S., Alcalde, J.A., Matus, J.T., Arce-Johnson, P. 2016. The photomorphogenic factors UV-B RECEPTOR 1, ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5, and HY5 HOMOLOGUE are part of the UV-B signalling pathway in grapevine and mediate flavonol accumulation in response to the environment. Journal of Experimental Botany 67(18): 5429-5445

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture