Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo

PhD Associate Research Scientist in Epidemiology (
Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
Yale School of Public Health
United States of America

Academician Infectious Diseases

Dr. Alfaro-Murillo is an Associate Research Scientist in the Center for Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis at the Yale School of Public Health. He grew up in Costa Rica and graduated with BSc degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Costa Rica. He obtained an MSc in Statistics and a PhD in Mathematics at Purdue University, Indiana, US. His research is dedicated to mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and economic evaluations of public policies. He is currently focused on cytomegalovirus, influenza, and pneumococcal disease, as well as dengue fever vaccines and Zika virus control initiatives via collaborations with public health authorities in Central America and the Caribbean.

Research Intrest

Cytomegalovirus, influenza, and pneumococcal disease, as well as dengue fever vaccines and Zika virus control initiatives.