John S. Choy

Assistant Professor
Department of biology
Catholic University of America
United States of America

Academician Molecular Biology

B.S., Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D., Molecular Genetics and Cellular Biology, University of Chicago Postdoctoral Scholar, Single Molecule Nucleosome Dynamics, Stanford University Senior Research Fellow, Mechanisms of Genomic Instability, National Cancer Institute.

Research Intrest

Choy’s research experience spans genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. He also does cutting-edge research on the contribution of the stability of genomes to diseases such as cancer.

List of Publications
Choy JS, Tobe BT, Huh JH, Kron SJ. Yng2p-dependent NuA4 histone H4 acetylation activity is required for mitotic and meiotic progression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2001 Nov 23;276(47):43653-62.
Choy JS, Wei S, Lee JY, Tan S, Chu S, Lee TH. DNA methylation increases nucleosome compaction and rigidity. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010 Jan 22;132(6):1782-3.
Taneja N, Davis M, Choy JS, Beckett MA, Singh R, Kron SJ, Weichselbaum RR. Histone H2AX phosphorylation as a predictor of radiosensitivity and target for radiotherapy. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004 Jan 16;279(3):2273-80.