Adjunct Faculty
Naropa University
United States of America

Academician Psychiatry

Dr. Davis teaches transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology courses as an Adjunct Faculty professor in the low-residency MA in Ecopsychology program at Naropa. John is the author of The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teaching of A.H. Almaas and entries on Transpersonal Psychology and Wilderness Rites of Passage in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, as well as a number of articles and book chapters on transpersonal psychology, ecopsychology, wilderness rites of passage, and research methods. His primary interest is full human development and self-realization with a special focus on the intersection of spirituality, psychology, and the natural world. In addition to his work at Naropa, John is an ordained teacher of the Diamond Approach of A. H. Almaas and a staff member of the School of Lost Borders, where he trains wilderness rites of passage guides and leads wilderness retreats.

Research Intrest

Psychology Ecopsychology

List of Publications
Davis JV, Usatynski T, Ish‐Shalom Z. The Diamond Approach. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology. 2013:562-79.
Ecopsychology and transpersonal psychology. The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology. 2013:597-611.