John Butnor

Research Plant Physiologist
Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

R&D Affiliations Southern Research Station Forest Genetics & Biological Foundations Research Topics Resource Management and Use Water, Air, and Soil Experimental Forests and Ranges Harrison Experimental Forest

Research Intrest

Resource Management and Use Water, Air, and Soil

List of Publications
Maier, Christopher; Anderson, Peter; Butnor, John R.; Dougherty, Phillip M.; Johnsen, Kurt; Mcinnis, Daniel. 2016. Temporal and spatial patterns of soil CO2 efflux, soil carbon, and root biomass associated with bedding in young loblolly pine plantations.
Butnor, John R.; Samuelson, Lisa J.; Stokes, Thomas A.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Anderson, Peter H.; Gonzalez-Benecke, Carlos A. 2016. Surface-based GPR underestimates below-stump root biomass.
Butnor, John R.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Nelson, C. Dana. 2016. Changes in soil chemistry six months after prescribed fire in a longleaf pine plantation in Mississippi.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture