Jason C. Knight

Assistant Professor
Geography and Planning
Buffalo State College
United States of America


Dr. Knight’s research interest focuses on the physical and social evolution of cities and their constituent neighborhoods, with a particular interest in policy and planning for distressed neighborhoods. He is also interested in the decline of suburbs, especially traditional, first-ring suburbs. Emerging within his research is an emphasis on the role of community organizations and stakeholders in (re)shaping their neighborhoods. A certified planner by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), he still engages in local planning projects and programs, most recently with projects in the City of Tonawanda. He is the President of the City of Tonawanda Main Street Program’s Board of Directors and is a member of Habitat for Humanity of Buffalo’s Site Selection Committee. He teaches Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning; Planning Methods; Housing and Real Estate; Planning for Sustainable Communities; Planning Practicum; and Urban Geography.

Research Intrest

Geography and Planning

List of Publications
Weaver RC, Knight J. Land use, society, and evolutionary mismatch: A case study of the Buffalo, NY Outer Harbor Parkway Project. Middle States Geogr. 2012;45:57-66.
Frazier AE, Bagchi-Sen S, Knight J. The spatio-temporal impacts of demolition land use policy and crime in a shrinking city. Applied Geography. 2013 Jul 31;41:55-64.
Weaver RC, Knight J. Evolutionary Mismatch as a General Framework for Land Use Policy and Politics. Land. 2014 Jun 13;3(2):504-23.
Weaver R, Knight J. Analysis of a multipronged community development initiative in two distressed neighbourhoods. Community Development Journal. 2017 Apr 10:1-20.