Janet K. C. Chisaka

Rhodes University
South Africa


Janet Chisaka is a lecturer in the department. Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of sociology of health and illness, sociological theory, qualitative research methods, social change (specifically the changes in medical knowledge and technologies, and the subsequent impact on healthcare). Her current (PhD) research examines the unfolding interactions within two refurbished and newly built hi-tech public-private partnership hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

Research Intrest

Public-private partnership

List of Publications
Chisaka Janet, Coetzee Jan (2009) Biographical disruption, HIV / AIDS and chronic poverty. Acta Academica 41: 109-131.
"Chisaka Janet Kaemba, Coetzee Jan Karel (2008) A Biographical Disrup-tion Due to AIDS and Generational Poverty: Women’s Experi-ences, International Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain."