James J. Greene

Professor Associate Director: Institute for Biomol
Department of Biology
Catholic University of America
United States of America

Academician Molecular Biology

Completed his Ph.D, in Biophysics, from Johns Hopkins University Postdoctoral Research, Biophysics, The Johns Hopkins Universityand the teaching Interests: Molecular Biology Research Methods Recombinant DNA Technology.

Research Intrest

Regulation of cell proliferation is likely to be a complex process involving the coordinate expression of discrete genes. In the prospects of identifying the genetic elements involved in controlling cell proliferation, this laboratory is focusing on the regulatory events that arrest the proliferation of dividing cells and restore them to the quiescent state. The approach being taken in our research is to apply recombinant DNA technology to examine changes in gene expression associated with the arrest of proliferation induced by the growth antagonist interferon. This effort has resulted in the identification of several potential "antiproliferative" genes that have now been characterized. Recent evidence from our laboratory suggests that the antiproliferative genes work in concert with changes in the cellular redox potentials to profoundly influence signalling pathways that activate or deactivate genes. Consequently, a major emphasis of our current research is the molecular characterization of the nature of these alterations in the cellular signalling pathways and relating them to changes in cell growth.

List of Publications
Kelly EP, Greene JJ, King AD, Innis BL. Purified dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein aggregates produced by baculovirus are immunogenic in mice. Vaccine. 2000 May 22;18(23):2549-59.
Hutter D, Greene JJ. Influence of the cellular redox state on NF‐κB‐regulated gene expression. Journal of cellular physiology. 2000 Apr 1;183(1):45-52.
Hutter DE, Till BG, Greene JJ. Redox state changes in density-dependent regulation of proliferation. Experimental cell research. 1997 May 1;232(2):435-8.