Israel Rocha Mendoza

Title Researcher
Department of Optics
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada

Academician Physics

Israel Rocha Mendoza is Title Researcher from Department of Optics in Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education Ensenada.

Research Intrest

Biophotonics and Nonlinear optics

List of Publications
Licea RJ, Rocha MI, Rangel RR, Rodríguez FL, Oliver A (2013) Femtosecond laser writing over silver nanoparticles system embeded in silica using nonlinear microscopy. Optical Materials.
Rocha MI, Licea RJ, Marro M, Olarte OE, Plata SMA, et al. (2015) Rapid spontaneous Raman light sheet microscopy using cw-lasers and tunable filters. Biomedical Optics Express 6: 3449-3461.