Iria Rodríguez Escontrela

Iria Rodriguez-Escontrela and Raquel Corchero
Iris Environmental

Academician Chemical Engineering

Iria Rodríguez Escontrela is a 4th year PhD student in Chemical Engineering at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) studying under the supervision of Professor Soto. She received a BEng in Industrial Engineering specializing in Industrial Chemistry, and a MEng in Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering. She was awarded with a FPI fellowship to study her PhD. Currently she has authored six papers in the field of liquid-liquid equilibrium and enhanced oil recovery with ionic liquids. Recently, she has done a research stay under the supervision of Maura Puerto, a Research Scientist in Professor Hirasaki and Profesor Miller Research Group at the Department of Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering of Rice University (Houston-Texas-USA). Iria Rodríguez Escontrela is a 4th year PhD student in Chemical Engineering at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) studying under the supervision of Professor Soto. She received a BEng in Industrial Engineering specializing in Industrial Chemistry, and a MEng in Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering. She was awarded with a FPI fellowship to study her PhD. Currently she has authored six papers in the field of liquid-liquid equilibrium and enhanced oil recovery with ionic liquids. Recently, she has done a research stay under the supervision of Maura Puerto, a Research Scientist in Professor Hirasaki and Profesor Miller Research Group at the Department of Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering of Rice University (Houston-Texas-USA).

Research Intrest

Chemical Engineering